Latest Business News
Is the Hospital of the Future Not a Hospital at All?
A few years back I wrote a widely read piece on Hea…
What Do California Insurers Pay for Mammograms? $134.41 or $1200
Summary: Insurer payments for mammograms in California range from $134.41 to $1,200,…
Long-Term Care [INFOGRAPHIC]
A shift is taking place in long term care (LTC). This infographic…
Socialcam: Mobile Video Sharing Made Easy
Social media, specifically video, is getting bigger every day, and with YouTube…
Patient Nonadherence: A Rational Reaction to Sub-Optimal Physician-Patient Communication
I have been working on a paper exploring the link between physician-patient…
Managed Care Organizations and Data Based Management
Managing With Data in Managed Care OrganizationsIn the increasingly complex world of…
Keeping Patients in the Dark
Back when I slaved in the depths of Hunter Thompson’s “shallow money…
4 Easy Rules for Using Numbers in Titles
Numbers in titles should be handled with careWriting numbers in titles of…
Remote Monitoring Is on the Rise
Worldwide, 3 million patients have a remote monitoring device at home that…