Latest Hospital Administration News
Medical Director: Characteristics of Success
The Evolution of the Medical DirectorAs healthcare continues to change, so do…
Physician Burnout and the Enlightened CFO
Physician Burnout and the Power of an Enlightened CFOWhat your CFO…
PQRS: Alphabet Soup with Little Meaning
I'm quoted in the current is I'm quoted in the current issue…
Hospitals Ignore Bill Payment Technology and Suffer the Consequences
It is not news that technology is changing the way the world…
Orthopedic Billing: Creating a Seamless Transition to ICD-10
Effective October 1, 2014, all claims submitted to Medicare, Medicaid and private…
Health Care’s Anti-Cash Bias
The patient needed a standard set of blood tests at LabCorp. The…
Does Decreased Length of Hospital Stay Equal Lower Cost?
Based on a 20 percent sample of Medicare claims from 1985-2005 for…
5 Ways Healthcare Providers Can Reduce Costly Hospital Readmissions
Hospitalization is extremely expensive. Every year, hospitalizations account for one third of…
Leveraging Health IT to Strengthen Patient Engagement
In the spirit of moving innovation forward, I found relevance in the…