Latest Hospital Administration News
Healthcare Expenses in the US: These Hospital Bills on Reddit Say It All
Originally published on a few surprising tidbits about how the cost…
Have You Claimed Your Hospital’s Location On Local Directories?
These days, people don’t just post photos of their dog and what…
ER Visits and the Elderly: Why Are Costs So High?
If America is one of the world’s richest nations, why is our…
Top 50 Most Social Media-Friendly Hospitals for 2013 has taken on the arduous task of gathering social media stats…
Online Messaging Improves Doctor-Patient Relationships: Why Aren’t More Doctors Doing It?
Private messaging and sharing with doctors and patients may be a key…
The Adopt One! Challenge: The First Step to Better Patient Engagement and Patient Experiences
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Or…
JAMA Viewpoint Calls for Revising Physician Social Media Guidance
In a viewpoint published in the Journal of the American Medical Association,…
The New Patient Engagement Model: Changing (and Improving) the Way We Do Business
Change Is Coming to Traditional Business Models, Whether We Like It or…
Medicare? I’m Sorry, the Doctor Won’t See You Now
Although I’m still working and not yet at an age when Medicare…
Why I Don’t Adhere to Evidence-Based Medical Care
My concierge doctor and I the other day were going over the…