Latest Hospital Administration News
Ask an MD: How Do We Get More Doctors Involved in Marketing and Social Media Strategy?
Originally published on’s a hard truth for healthcare marketers: Consumers don’t…
How a Tear-Jerking Cleveland Clinic Video Went Viral
Originally published on, the Cleveland Clinic’s empathy video that was passed…
Medical Errors Earn Hospitals Money: Who Knew?
Though I have been accused by various commenters as protecting my own…
Simple Rule for Online Comments: Use Your Real Name
A Health Affairs blog post (Doctors and The Bully(ing) Pulpit) suggests guidelines…
Eagerly Awaiting the Death of Defensive Medicine
I’ve always been annoyed by proponents and defenders of defensive medicine, i.e.,…
Hospitals Turn to Social Media for Patient Feedback
Over the past few years going social has led to better health…
Team-Based Care Delivery: The Worth of Social Capital
Health care enterprise models tend to be born from economics rather than…
Preventable Readmissions and a Recent OIG Advisory Opinion
Medicare's excess readmission penalty policy (up to a 1% ding in I…