Why All Hospitals Are Also Digital Companies
The web has changed the way the world does business. You don’t…
Collaboration: Emerging From Below
The January issue of Health Affairs focuses on the benefits of "communication-and-resolution programs” (CRPs),…
Physicians Love to Text, Too
Most patients probably don’t care how their doctors communicate with each other…
Create Tracking Metrics for ICD-10 Preparation
ICD-10 compliance involves more factors than just being ready for the
Direct Primary Care Goes to Washington
A senator and a state representative from Idaho recently proposed legislation in…
5 Hospital Marketing Strategies to Improve Patient Acquisition
Not so very long ago hospital marketing focused on brand management and…
Addressing Patient Wait-Time Woes
It's no secret that some patients get upset at long wait times…
The Role of a Certified Nurse-Midwife [INFOGRAPHIC]
What Is a Certified Nurse-Midwife?Certified nurse-midwives are licensed healthcare practitioners educated in…
We Ask Physicians to Lower Cost, Then Penalize Their Innovation
We penalize efficient physicians that leverage innovation, then we cut their reimbursement…
More Nursing Shortage Myth Building
My piece on the nursing shortage myth received more than 100 comments…