CMS to Begin Implementing Payment Penalties Tied to Patient Outcomes
A North Carolina academic hospital will be docked a percentage of Medicare…
Interview with Todd Dunsirn of True Process
A while back I had the opportunity to chat with Todd Dunsirn,…
Healthcare Employees Plus Social Media Can Spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E
Social media is a powerful information tool that has revolutionized how we…
Collaborative Communication
Dr. Cohn discussing collaborative communication with physician leaders Dr. Cohn discussing collaborative…
Where Cash Is King, What Happens to Patients?
I’ve started hearing more about physician practices that are opting out of…
Managed Care Organizations and Data Based Management
Managing With Data in Managed Care OrganizationsIn the increasingly complex world of…
Henry Ford Health System Stakes Its Future on Health Innovation
Henry Ford was perhaps one of the greatest innovators of his day.…
Culture Change Is Here: People Are Price-Shopping for Health Care
Summary: Culture change is here. People are upset about rising health care prices and…
10 Steps to Boosting Profitability Through the Revenue Cycle
Summary: Profitability can be achieved through addressing the denials portion of the…
Animated GIFs: A New Tool to Get Attention on Twitter
Healthcare facilities and hospitals have utilized Twitter in interesting ways. From live…