Unbundling the Bundled Payment Program
The Bundled Payments for Care Improvements (BPCI) initiative of the Centers for…
Healthcare Spending: Administrative Costs out of Control
When we talk about healthcare spending being “out of control” does anyone…
Expanding Insurance May Not Mean Long Lines and Trouble Seeing the Doctor
When health reform made it on the agenda in 2008-9, it took…
Medical Complications Torture Doctors, Too
If you are a physician like me who performs procedures, then rarely…
Top 5 Reasons Physicians Are Unhappy
Research completed by Jackson Healthcare yielded an incredible array of data on physician…
The “7 Deadly Sins” That Lead to Preventable Readmissions
Preventable readmissions are a top focus for healthcare administration due to recent…
How Cleveland Clinic Builds Brand Recognition via Multichannel Marketing
Paul Matsen Cleveland Clinic Paul Matsen Cleveland Clinic Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare…
How to Build Realistic Patient Expectations with Hospital Marketing
One of the biggest challenges for hospital marketers is balancing patient expectations…
5 Trends in Healthcare Reimbursement
The subject of physician compensation is a hot one as of late.…
Multibriefs: Exclusives for Healthcare Administration Associations
Over the years I've contributed articles to several publications, and often repeatedly,…