Should Your Doctor Consider Medical Costs?
This blog is devoted to an examination of medical quality. Cost-effectiveness is…
Revamping Your Revenue Cycle in 2015: 7 Things to Consider
1. Changing How We PayThere are few aspects of healthcare that are…
Healthcare Is Part of Our Supply Chain: The Boeing Company
The Health Innovator’s Collaborative sponsored by the University of Washington and the…
The Marketing “BS Detector” for Doctors and Hospitals
We see this all the time and it drives us nuts.Hospital executives…
Risks and Benefits of Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management Functions
As the healthcare industry continues to grow in terms of capacity and complexity, there…
Why Wait Times Matter in Physician Marketing
One of the eternal struggles for physicians is the balance between maximizing…
Obamacare Means Increased ER Utilization
The Affordable Care Act will allow 30-40 million new patients to have…
Prioritizing Security in the Era of Healthcare BYOD
The excitement surrounding the bring your own device (BYOD) trend is undeniable,…
Your Hospital Social Media Benchmark: How Do You Rank?
A basic element of healthcare delivery–one that has not changed in recent reforms…
Doctor Discipline: Resources for Judging Quality in Health Care
Summary: When we display prices for medical treatments, inevitably the question of…