Latest Hospital Administration News
Strategies for Payer Negotiation
“Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear…
Using “Teach Back” to Decrease Patient Readmissions
Marshall McLuhan, the late Canadian philosopher, famously said both “the medium is…
From the Health Innovator’s Collaborative: Providing Better Care with Less
As someone (most likely French philosopher Blaise Pascal) once said, “I would…
Reducing Avoidable Readmissions: Care Transitions
This is the second in our series, recapping the lessons learned from…
3 Surprising Hospital Leadership Trends
Over the last two decades there have been dramatic shifts in the…
2015 CPT Coding Changes and Your Radiology Practice
2015 CPT coding changes that are taking effect will mostly cause issues…
Online Bill Pay Starts to Accelerate in Healthcare
Cough it up Cough it upBack in the good old days patients’…
Should Hospital Websites Be Labeled for Consumers as Advertising?
Hospital advertising is in the spotlight, and we wonder how your facility…
3 Tips for Great Health Care Management
A recent article on the Harvard Business Review revealed that social capital…
6 Ways You Might Be Unwittingly Making a HIPAA Violation
Patient Privacy + HIPAAWith all this talk about making patient records more…