Using Social Media to Promote Your Healthcare Events
Every medical facility has events. Whether it’s a maternity preparation class, a…
Saving Relationship Medicine with Direct Primary Care
The fundamental problem in health care delivery today is a highly…
A Tale of Two Gowns: The Patient Experience
I attended the Patient Experience, Empathy and Innovation Summit hosted by the…
The 80-20 Rule and Disruptive Healthcare Professionals
A colleague forwarded on a momentarily disheartening clip from the Washington Post…
Why Doctors Need To Listen To And Understand The Patient’s “Perspectives” – A True Story
Perhaps the most fundamental principle of “patient-centered care” is for clinicians to…
What It Takes to Write a Great Case Study
Aside from your homepage and About Us page, the Case Study section…
Diagnostic Reading #33: Five Must-Read Articles from the Past Week
It is time for another issue of Diagnostic Reading. This week we…
A 12-Point Checklist For Healthcare Web Content Management
Choosing the right web content management solution can be stressful for many…
Social Media and Healthcare: Creating a Healthy Relationship
As of January 2014, The Pew Research Center calculated that 74% of…
Wonder What Would Happen If A Hospital Near You Closed? Read This.
In many communities around the country, hospitals are one of–if not the–largest…