Engaging Physicians and Others The Purely Old Fashioned Way
If there’s one—close-to-perfect and always effective—secret to engaging doctors and others, this is…
5 Books Worth Reading for Healthcare Marketing Professionals
For hospital marketers, it’s time to hit the books. These five healthcare…
2015 Trends for Rural Hospitals and Rural Healthcare
According to the NC Rural Health Research Program there have been 56 rural hospital…
Have You Checked Your Hospital Yelp Listing Lately?
The crowd sourcing, user-review site Yelp has emerged as a regular reference…
Huddle for Excellence In Healthcare Delivery
The question “would you recommend us to a friend?” has become ubiquitous.…
ICD-10 Top Ten Resources: The Best Resources in One Place
Your ICD-10 Top Ten Resources We know, the ICD-10 Clock is ticking…
Calculating the Lifetime Value of a New Patient for Your Medical Practice
When it comes to marketing your medical practice there is a distinct value…
The 5 Biggest Challenges Healthcare Leaders are Facing in 2015
2015 has been a big year of change for many healthcare systems.…
Is Your Embarrassing Physician Website Costing You Money?
Great business minds will remind us that procrastination is a thief. It…
CMS Finds More Than 10% of Payments Paid Improperly
GAO Report Identifies Vulnerabilities in CMS’s Enrollment ProcessTo enroll in Medicare,…