Latest Hospital Administration News
Social Media and the Healthcare CEO
If leadership comes from the top, why are so many healthcare CEOs…
From Yellow Pages to Google My Hospital
Healthcare organizations have always had a challenge keeping their location, service and…
Big Data Doctors: The Future of Healthcare and Business Intelligence
In the healthcare world, the term “big data” isn’t always cast in…
6 Benefits of Becoming Accredited
Accreditation comes in all shapes in sizes, but at its core, it…
Insurers’ payments vary more than hospital charges, data shows
Summary: In our project crowdsourcing healthcare prices in partnership with MedPage…
Three Prongs of a Successful Digital Physician Marketing Strategy
When it comes to marketing a physician’s office in the age of…
GW develops a comprehensive guide to preventable harm
The Latin phrase “Primum non nocere” is familiar to all physicians: First,…
How to Build the Right ICD-10 Team
Multiple opportunities for further delaying the implementation deadline have come and gone,…
Massachusetts hospitals are making money — I’m quoted
The Massachusetts Center for Health Information and Analysis has released its 2014…
The (Little) Things That Matter To Patients
Outcome measurement is top of mind for all of us in healthcare…