Latest Hospital Administration News
Should Patients Join the Pay-for-Performance Circus?
There was an extremely popular game show where several times each episode…
Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative Announced by CMS Center for Innovation
Many health care provider organizations that have not been overly eager to…
1135 Waivers and Hospital Evacuation
I completed two evacuation tabletop exercises this month and also have started…
Myth Busters #6: Certificate of Need
So, national health planning was repealed, and hospital rate setting was repealed…
VA Encourages Employee Use of Social Media
The VA has gotten it right with their June 28th directive and…
3 Steps Towards Adopting Electronic Health Records
EXCLUSIVE POST - There are a variety of forces driving us toward…
Myth Busters #5: Hospital Rate Setting
With the repeal of the Health Planning Act in 1982, a lot…
Greedy Insurance Company Backs Down: The Little Guy Wins!
A few months back, while we were on vacation in Washington, D.C.,…
Emergency Department Charges
Have you been to the emergency room lately? Everyone tries to…
Giving Interns More Sleep is Not Making Hospitals Safer
The Latest: Last month something extraordinary happened at teaching hospitals around the…