Bring food education back! How many urban kids have never seen a farm? Children should know where foods come from, what vitamins they contain, how to cook them and what kinds of foods are healthiest. Most foods that we buy are packaged – in cartons, cans, bags or under plastic wrap. Parents, take your kids to a farm or at least to a farmer’s market! Teach them to cook or prepare certain easy foods. This kind of education should start with the really young; let’s make it happen!
Bring food education back! How many urban kids have never seen a farm? Children should know where foods come from, what vitamins they contain, how to cook them and what kinds of foods are healthiest. Most foods that we buy are packaged – in cartons, cans, bags or under plastic wrap. Parents, take your kids to a farm or at least to a farmer’s market! Teach them to cook or prepare certain easy foods. This kind of education should start with the really young; let’s make it happen!