What To Know About Melanoma Prevention Year-Round
Most people know that being exposed to the sun for long periods of time can be dangerous for our skin and our overall well-being. After all, that's why we…
10 Tips For Preventing Workplace Injuries In Healthcare
Healthcare is one of the most dangerous fields to work in. In 2010, more than 653,000 healthcare employees reported workplace illness or injury. The next year, the incident rate…
Do Fat Burners Work? Busting Five Weight Loss Supplement Myths
Are fat burners safe? If you’ve been researching this type of supplement, it’s a question you’ll most likely have come across. “Are fat burners effective” is another one, and both…
9 Habits You Can Cultivate To Reduce Your Risk Of Dementia
Dementia terrifies many people for good reason. The idea of losing control of your mind understandably concerns you, especially if you've witnessed the cognitive decline of a loved one.…
Choosing Between A Psychologist and A Psychiatrist For Treating Depression
The field of medicine has many disciplines that make it confusing. The human psyche and the emotions that are contained within are concepts that we still don’t fully understand.…
The Secret Life Of Fat And Hormones: 5 Things You Didn’t Know
Fat is not only an aesthetic problem, but it has a complicated influence on our body and mind. It causes serious health conditions, depression, and hormonal imbalance. That's right,…
Important Things To Know About Advances In Healthcare Robotics
Health care providers have become increasingly dependent on technology over the last few decades, with electronic records, heart monitors, and laparoscopic procedures replacing (or supplementing) handwritten forms, stethoscopes, and…
Debunking The Top 5 Breast Augmentation Myths
Data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons indicates that about 1.8 million cosmetic surgical procedures were done in 2017, with breast augmentation being the most popular. There is…
5 Simple Tips for Optimal Oral Health
Oral health problems are becoming increasingly common in the 21st Century. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has published some frightening statistics on tooth decay. According to their data,…
Why Medical Errors Are The Third Leading Cause Of Death
Have you ever wondered what the third leading cause of death is in the United States is? Since heart disease and cancer are the first two, you would probably…