Medigap Healthcare Plan 101: What To Know About Enrolling In 2020
Original Medicare can be a good start for your retirement health insurance. However, you cannot solely depend on it. As soon as those medical bills start arriving, you’ll realize what…
Assessing The Health Benefits And Risks Of Physical Intimacy
Intimacy is important to your long-term health. There are a number of documented health benefits of intimacy, including better sleep and a stronger immune system. A lack of intimacy, on…
What Are The Risks Of Bruxism And How Can You Prevent Them?
One of my friends used to grind his teeth regularly. Fortunately, the dentist told him how serious of a problem it was. Grinding your teeth is not an uncommon habit.…
The State Of Aging: What Are The Health Challenges Of A Longer Life?
The lifespan of our current generation is ten years longer compared to that of our parents. On average, we also live 20 years longer than our grandparents. Thanks to the…
Vaping Health Risks Raise Alarm About Educating Younger Generations
For thousands of adults, vaping has provided a way to quit smoking. While the jury is out on whether vaping is actually healthier, few people deny that smoking cigarettes…
Easy Steps To Simplify Your Life And Improve Your Health
Finding inner peace and balance amidst the chaos of the modern world seems like an impossible task. The stresses of daily life can easily knock us off balance, but…
The Keys To Maintaining Safety With Medical Equipment
Medical equipment comes in all shapes and sizes, from a tiny suture needle to a robotic surgeon that fills an entire operating theater, and everything in between. It's a…
Men: Save Your Mental Health by Improving Relationships
Our relationships play a very important role in our mental health. Suzanne Weiss of Bustle wrote a great post on the ways that a bad relationship can negatively affect…
Food, Mood, And Wellbeing: Is The Western Diet Making Us Sick?
You don’t have to be a doctor to know that burgers, steak, fries, and cake aren’t the type of food you should be eating. And yet, a great percentage of…
How To Find The Right Healthcare Career For You And Achieve Success
With the healthcare industry becoming the largest employer in the United States, it’s clear that the industry provides a career path for much of the population. However, not everyone…