Helpful Tips For Travelling Safely During Pregnancy
While traveling is tiring for everyone, pregnant travelers must be concerned about the potential risks and complications attached to it. With an active bladder, nausea and physical incapability of…
5 Delicious and Healthy Tropical Fruits to Stay Healthy
We all want a healthier diet, and that is why we should eat more tropical fruits. Not only are they delicious, making dried fruits an excellent stand-in for candy, but…
Facilitating Telehealth Access For Seniors: 2 Administrative Considerations
If your practice is one of the many that has implemented telehealth services since the start of COVID-19, you’re hardly alone – in your triumphs and in your struggles.…
5 Strategies For A Calm Staff Management During Covid-19 Crisis In Your Facility
With global COVID-19 fatalities reaching 247,000 at the beginning of May, the recent coronavirus pandemic has pushed unprecedented stress on traditional healthcare facility operations. Sharp surge of demand for healthcare,…
How COVID-19 Impacted The Dental Industry As A Whole
Using the phrase “unprecedented times” doesn’t even come close to describing the last few months of the Coronavirus pandemic. The world has changed and certain businesses have been closed due…
Tips On How To Stop Your Eyesight From Deteriorating
It is normal for your eyesight to deteriorate as you age with problems such as dry eyes, floaters, cataracts and glaucoma some of the most common complaints. Are there…
5 Invaluable Tips to Be a Healthy Driver
Whether you are transporting goods or commuting, driving can be unhealthy at times. You get stuck in traffic, experience occasional bouts of road rage, or try to stay awake at…
Changes In Medical Offices And Hospitals During COVID-19
Changes have been a part of life during the Coronavirus pandemic for a number of people globally. There is an effort for people to reintegrate into society after a…
6 Engaging Activities To Help Senior Parents Fight Dementia
Dementia is a progressive age-related disorder that’s most prevalent in adults aged 60 years and more. Along with a decline in memory, the affected elder experiences cognition and language-related…
CEO’s Sleep: How Many Hours do Entrepreneurs Sleep?
We all have the same amount of time in a day to work with to be our most productive selves. But productivity can be subjective, especially as you try to…