Do We Have It All Wrong About Obesity?
Do obese people generate costs for other people? Mainly not, according to a review of the literature: In employer-provided health insurance pools, being obese causes limited externality harm because obese…
Alcohol Consumption at Sporting Events
Among fans who attend live sporting events, drinking alcohol is nearly as commonplace as root, root rooting for the home team. And while virtually no one has a problem with…
Lawmakers Finally Asking About Medicare Contractor Conflict of Interests
This is something that is long over due. With all the mergers and acquisitions that have occurred in the last 2 years, the companies are not the same in structure…
The Insanity of Health Care Pricing, aka Alice in Medical Land
One of the interesting things I learned in business school is that not only is it typical for a business to earn 80 percent of its profits from 20 percent…
Privacy on the Internet–Tracking User History With Cookies and Flash Cookies And More-Use a Program Like CCleaner to Fight Back
Everyone is marketing to try and predict and of course in healthcare this is prevalent too and “why they market their ass off”. Tracking and snooping is part of marketing…
Obama Offers Olive Branch to GOP Governors on Reform Provision
The Tea Partiers and GOP continue to refer to the ACA as Obamacare. (Today, in a speech to a bipartisan cadre of governors in DC for their winter meeting —…
GE Healthcare Becomes the Next Medical Records System to Offer Ipad and Iphone Software Solutions
It is certainly beginning to look like the Ipad is becoming a working hardware partner in the medical records business as GE is the latest to announce Centricity Advanced and…
The HMO in Your Future
I have not been able to determine how you pronounce the acronym for Accountable Care Organization (ACO). Is it ā´ ko? Or ā´ so? Or ăh so´, as in Charlie…
Screen-Based Entertainment and Cardiovascular Risk
Scientists have confirmed that regular physical activity is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, all-cause disability and other health problems. However, few studies have looked at the…
Surgical Sealants and Fibrin Glues — Wound Closure, Hemostasis, Wound Repair
Surgical sealants and fibrin glues are biologically based products designed to aid in the process of clot formation. Clotting is the first naturally occurring process in wound repair, and affects…