Beyond the Buzz: Does Your Healthcare Content Need a Call-To-Action?

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healthcare marketing

Click Here; Call Now; Sign Up Today.

These short phrases appear every day on websites, blogs, advertisements, and other marketing material. The words, designed to prompt you to take immediate action, are calls-to-action or CTAs, and they are a useful addition to healthcare marketing.

Why CTAs Are Helpful In Healthcare Marketing

healthcare marketing

Click Here; Call Now; Sign Up Today.

These short phrases appear every day on websites, blogs, advertisements, and other marketing material. The words, designed to prompt you to take immediate action, are calls-to-action or CTAs, and they are a useful addition to healthcare marketing.

Why CTAs Are Helpful In Healthcare Marketing

  • Each time you write a blog post, or add new content to your website or Facebook page, you most likely have a goal in mind. Whether that goal is for a reader to share or comment on your latest blog, like your Facebook page, subscribe to your RSS feed, or purchase a product, adding a call to action increases the likelihood the reader will take the desired action and engage with you further.
  • If you are selling a healthcare product or service, a contextually relevant, fully optimized CTA is even more important to move the reader closer to becoming your customer.
  • CTAs are a useful tool to measure social media effectiveness and to determine the return on investment (ROI) of your social media activities. If more people subscribe to your newsletter, rather than download a white paper, then this will help you determine where to concentrate your content creation.

7 Ways To Add A Call-To-Action To Your Healthcare Content

1. Tell your readers what you want them to do


Don’t assume that readers will know what to do next. Make it clear and unambiguous what the next step is after reading your content. Some examples of calls to action are listed below.

  • Forward to a friend
  • Book an appointment
  • Sign up now
  • Add RSS feed
  • Learn more
  • Download whitepaper
  • Bookmark this page
  • Add to favorites
  • Print page
  • Contact us
  • Tweet this
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Like us on Facebook

 2. Make it easy for the reader to take action


Add a clearly visible link, button or box to make it easy for your reader to take action. Think of the design as a visual cue to guide your readers to take action. Make it stand out from the rest of the page so that it is easily identifiable as a clickable button or icon. Consider using bright or contrasting color and adding an arrow to draw attention to your call-to-action. 

3. Customize your call-to-action to add value

Make sure your CTA is specific and contextually relevant. Let your reader know exactly what they are signing up for. Adding a clear benefit to the call-to-action increases both the value and relevance conveyed by the copy.

4. Add social share buttons

It’s easy to incorporate share buttons for the main social media sites on your blog or website. Include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest Reddit, and StumbleUpon. Add these options both at the top and bottom of your articles. 

5. Show social proof


Show your reader how many people like your Facebook page, follow you on Twitter or have shared your content on social media through displaying a Facebook, Twitter and Social Share Widget on your site. In the case of Facebook, they tailor their widget to whoever is visiting your website or blog. This means that your readers will see which of your friends have also liked your page. We call this social proof, and it increases the chances of a reader taking action on your site.  

6.  Prioritize your calls-to-action


Perhaps you want readers to do more than one thing with your content. If this is the case, don’t risk confusing readers with too much choice, or you run the risk they won’t take any action; prioritize your CTAs to let readers know which is most important.

7. Expand Your CTAs  

You don’t need to restrict CTAs to just your website or blog. Consider adding them to your emails, guest articles, and anywhere else you publish online. include in banner ads, google adwords, in your email newsletters, on your webpages, basically anywhere you want to have someone do something. 

Used effectively, a social media call-to-action can help improve your social media efforts to achieve your goals. The next time you create any marketing communication, ask yourself, “What do I want people to do with this information?” It’s all about finding out what works on your specific website, and the only way of doing that is through testing and tweaking your calls to action until you get the desired results.

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