The 3 Best Ways To Help Senior Citizens Deal With Anxiety

4 Min Read
Photo 48589642 / Anxiety © Lightpoet |

People seem to think that once you hit retirement age your problems disappear. It’s a tranquil and carefree time of life and anxiety is not to be seen anywhere. Of course, this is far from the truth. Senior citizens are just as often suffering from anxiety as any other age group. It’s not uncommon for the elderly to need anti-anxiety medication to calm their fears and manage their stress.

It can be a very challenging time for seniors when they lose their partner or are far from their family. They might even have some health problems they are dealing with that stresses them out. Of course, if you feel that your loved one needs care beyond just dealing with anxiety then it’s a good time to talk to a facility like nurses home care in La Jolla to get some advice. In this article, however, we will go over some of the ways you can help your elderly loved one with their anxiety.

1 – Help them stay social

Social isolation can seriously damage a person’s health at any age. Elderly people are particularly susceptible since they often find themselves alone at some point. They may have mobility issues that keep them in the house, or their friends and partners may have passed away. Whatever the reason, it can cause a lot of anxiety to not be social.

The first thing to do is to get your loved one out of the house and in a social environment. It could be going to an event or signing them up for some kind of club. If they love to read then a book club is a good idea. Or, see if they can join some kind of hobby group.

If they are reluctant to join a group then just bring them to places where there is some social interaction such as a sporting event. Those that can’t get out of the house would appreciate some company at home so bring some people by to have dinner or some coffee at their place so they can talk to some other people.

2 – Get them exercising

Stress sends cortisol throughout the body which is what makes it so uncomfortable and hard to get away from. Exercising releases serotonin, the happy hormone which can send cortisol packing. This is why exercise is so important to beat anxiety.

They likely have some mobility issues so see about getting them to do yoga for seniors so they won’t strain themselves. Yoga is not just good physical exercise, it will also help them get their mind calm and give them the tools to beat anxiety and even depression.

3 – Teach them breathing techniques

Breathing will also help you release hormones into your body that are soothing instead of the cortisol that causes tension and other health problems. If they can take a few moments to practice breathing techniques when they feel anxiety coming on then they will effectively avoid it.

Photo 48589642 / Anxiety © Lightpoet |

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