Avoid the Health Risks of Sleeping on an Old Mattress

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Many Americans sleep on older mattresses. In fact, 49% sleep on innerspring or pillowtop mattresses. They often have health issues when the mattresses deteriorate.

Buying a new mattress is something that most people dread. Every part of the task can seem daunting, from figuring out the right type to finding a trusted company. People don’t understand that they expose their bodies to equally dreadful health risks every night when they sleep on an old mattress. That’s right: sleeping on an old mattress won’t do you any good. An old mattress can do so much harm, from body aches to allergies and even chronic pains.

If you still keep putting this task on hold, read on to determine the health effects of old mattresses.

Health Effects of Old Mattresses

There are a lot of health problems caused by sleeping on old mattresses. You will want to understand the following issues, so you can prevent them by upgrading to a better one. Of course, you still need to know what to look for when choosing a new mattress.

Body Pain

If you are using a mattress that is way past its expiration date or a mattress that has gone through a lot of wear and tear, chances are you will or are experiencing body pain. It may affect your back, shoulders, neck, or any area experiencing unequal pressure distribution.

Over time, the top layers of the mattress deteriorate. These top layers come in different shapes and forms, each suited according to the users’ body type and sleeping position. When these top layers start degrading, it causes unnecessary pressure on your body, especially your back and joints. As a result, you can’t get comfortable in bed and spend the entire night tossing and turning.

If you just got a new mattress and are still experiencing body aches, the reason could be that you’re using the wrong mattress type. To get to the root of the problem, you need to figure out your sleeping position and the best-suited mattress for that. You can check out SleepingNorth.ca, where you can find detailed guides, honest reviews, and helpful tips for healthy and comfortable sleep.

Prolonged Allergies

Old mattresses are where bacteria, molds, fungi, and other allergens thrive. Not only that, but old mattresses also house dust mites and bed bugs that might cause serious health problems that include various skin allergies like eczema.

If you already suffer from respiratory diseases like asthma, an old mattress further worsens your condition. Dust, bacteria, mold, and fungi can trigger asthma and disturb the circadian rhythms. Not only that, dust mites and bacteria can cause lung infections and irritation, which, if not taken care of, can present themselves as a serious health risk.

Another common symptom that indicates that your mattress is infested with bugs and fungi is itchy or watery eyes. Bed bugs trigger allergic reactions that can affect your skin and eyes as well. You might also wake up with a sore throat after sleeping on an old mattress.

Bad Posture

An old mattress doesn’t quite hold its shape and might start to sag. As a result, you will have less support while sleeping through the night. If you keep sleeping on a saggy and poorly-supported mattress, your posture will worsen. As a result, you will gain weight abnormally, which can cause severe back pain, body aches, and an overall demotivated self. Not only this, but a lousy sleeping position at night will also start affecting your work, and even the smallest of the tasks will quickly tire you. Moreover, your sleep quality, which is already deteriorating, can cause long-term problems like insomnia.

A poor sleeping position can also increase your stress levels. When your body doesn’t get enough time to rest, it becomes fatigued. As a result, you can’t comprehend or solve problems as efficiently as you would. This can create problems both in your personal life and work life. If you don’t take care of your sleep soon, the chances of you having cognitive deficits will increase.

Weak Immune System

Sleep has a vital connection to your immune system, which in turn determines how fit you are. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body fails to produce protective cytokines—proteins responsible for protecting your body from harmful invasions. They fight off any bacterial, viral, or fungal attacks and keep you from getting sick. However, if your immune system is not up to the mark, you will get sick more easily and quickly.

Memory Loss

An old mattress can throw off your sleep schedule. As a result, it will keep you from getting comfortable sleep which can cause memory loss. Sleep is when our body repairs and rejuvenates. If you are not getting enough sleep, the neural connections become overworked. As a result, your memory and information processing abilities are negatively affected.


To wrap it up, if you have been putting off changing your mattress, it’s high time you do it. By delaying this task, you are exposing yourself to dangerous health risks. For example, chronic pains, a weaker immune system, memory loss, respiratory problems, and allergies, to name a few. Sure, changing a mattress requires a bit of your time and effort, but it is essential to getting a good night’s sleep.

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Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center. With a knack for understanding medical procedures, and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs to inform readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care, especially LASIK. Aaron loves collecting coasters from the different bars and restaurants he visits during his travels.
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