
191 Articles

Live Streams: A New Way to Market Your Healthcare Facility

Video has become a very popular medium in the world of digital…

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The 3 Secrets to Making Your Blog Stand Out

According to a Pew Research study, 72 percent of adult Internet users…

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Optimize Your Website for Mobile

With the rise of smartphones and tablets, a mobile-friendly website for your…

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Creating a Compelling Call-to-Action to Obtain New Patients

Call-to-action (CTA) buttons on a website are meant to catch a user’s…

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3 Quick Ways to Boost Your Hospital’s Social Media Strategy

As you can see from its growing popularity, social media is not…

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Healthcare Reputation Management in a Web 3.0 World

Review sites are popping up everywhere, and it’s more important than ever…

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How to Take Great Smartphone Photos for Social Media

  The most effective social media content is real-time content (or very…

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How to Make Your Blogs Go Viral

The Internet produces a ton of content. Whether it’s unique text, images…

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How Healthcare Marketers Can Maximize Twitter’s New Features

Twitter is no stranger to healthcare. It’s been used in healthcare communications…

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Physicians Are Your Top Brand Ambassadors!

This is definitely the age of population health – a time when the…

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