Why Hospitals Need A Performance Program Officer
Hospitals, like other businesses, have become successful managing a discrete service for…
Despite the Penalties, Physician Visit Innovation Is Progressing
One morning, Arthur Tyson woke up with a nose bleed at his…
We Ask Physicians to Lower Cost, Then Penalize Their Innovation
We penalize efficient physicians that leverage innovation, then we cut their reimbursement…
Patient Recovery: A Solution to Improve Healthcare
A healthcare system aligned toward patient recovery may reduce healthcare costs by…
Patient Recovery: It Takes a Village
I recently presented to a Cardiology Group on potential ways to address…
How Performance Programs Will Transform Healthcare
The three main catalysts in healthcare transformation are technology, science and reimbursement.…
8 Performance Programs That Will Change Healthcare
The most significant opportunity to improve health outcomes and reduce costs in…
Promising New Patient Recovery Technology
Technology is advancing so fast that it is becoming harder to remember…
Promising New Patient Recovery Science
Once a patient reaches the hospital curb and gets in a vehicle,…
6 Forces Pushing Healthcare Outside Hospital Walls
While hospital success is primarily based on what happens within their four…