Tim Gee

34 Articles

The Best Way to Prepare to Text Physician Orders

Back in May 2016, the Joint Commission (JC) issued an update in…

Tim Gee

From Pilot to Policy: Lessons from e-Health Deployed at Scale

As mentioned in previous posts, the United4Health project was intended to test…

Tim Gee

Major EU Remote Monitoring Pilot Results

This post looks at some lessons learned from remote monitoring projects in Europe. This…

Tim Gee

4 Ways Health Care Is Different from Other Industries

  As a $1.7 trillion market with $3.24 trillion in health care…

Tim Gee

HIMSS16 Preview: Data helps reveal theme of this year’s show

It’s back to Las Vegas for HIMSS16 in a bit more than…

Tim Gee

4 Models for Alarm Vigilance

The method of arranging medical devices and those that recognize and respond…

Tim Gee

Monitoring for Deteriorating Conditions

Monitoring patients at risk of a deteriorating clinical condition (DCC) is a…

Tim Gee

FDA Issues Draft Guidance on Cybersecurity

The FDA sets manufacturer’s expectations on what is expected to address data…

Tim Gee

Interview with Sailesh Chutani, CEO of Mobisante

My first exposure to Mobisante and their disruptive diagnostic ultrasound system was…

Tim Gee

Interview with Jim Welch, EVP, Sotera Wireless

This interview is with a long established thought leader in patient monitoring…

Tim Gee