
203 Articles

Trusted Source: Certified Medical Apps and Products

Not long ago I referenced Continua in an interview about securing and…

thielst thielst

Liking, Following, Linking, Tagging, Stumbling: Social Media is Changing the Nature of Health-Related Interactions

Earlier this year I was invited by the eHealth Initiative to participate…

thielst thielst

Helping Patients Communicate More Effectively About their Health

I'm much more involved in patient engagement these days, so I'm really…

thielst thielst

Apps for Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention

The Office for the National Coordinator recently announced the winners of their "One…

thielst thielst

CA Nurses Can Administer Anesthetics

A state appeals court has ruled nurses who are trained as anesthetists…

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Making Patient Experience a Priority – Infographic

A strong patient relationship is the medicine for what ails healthcare. A…

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Just before HIMSS12, I learned about BYOD/BYOT (Bring Your Own Device/Technology).  Evidently,…

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Tools Help Foster Communication Between Patients and Clinicians

I'm a big fan of the AHRQ's tools and have a new…

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What I Saw/Learned at HIMSS12 – Highlights

It has taken me a while to catch up and recover from…

thielst thielst

Convergence of HIE and Social Media

The San Diego Beacon eHealth Community is one example of how we…

thielst thielst