Polio Outbreak in Europe? Disease in Middle East Imperils the Continent as Syrians Seek Refuge
As of October 31 of this year, 322 new cases of polio…
Weight Loss Surgery Enhances Women’s Sexual Function: The Truth Behind Hormones And Your Weight
Many people undergo weight loss surgery as a way to treat morbid…
Prozac Can Make Your Brain Age In Reverse: Antidepressant Use Makes Prefrontal Cortex Appear Juvenile-Like
The prefrontal cortex of the brain plays a role in memory, decision-making,…
Physically Demanding Jobs Linked to Unhealthy Eating: Why Workers Crave Sugary, Fatty Foods
Exploring the relationship between health and education, a team of researchers investigated…
Colon Cancer Testing Levels Off: 23 Million Americans Unscreened For Second Deadliest Cancer
“About 90 percent of people live five or more years when their…
Doctors Can Persuade Vaccine-Resistant Parents with Straight Talk
Two recent studies published in the current issue of Pediatrics focus on how parents…
AIDS Protein Cracked: HIV Vaccine In Closer Sight
After many years in pursuit, a team of scientists happily achieved their…
Autism and Language Impairment Share a Genetic Link, But Not All with ASD Have Trouble Speaking
In a recent study, researchers discovered a disorder called ‘specific language impairment’—…
Breast Cancer Rates Rising in India, Especially Among Younger Women
As lifestyles change in India, people there are becoming increasingly susceptible to…
Unpublished Clinical Trial Data: Are Scientists Who Fail to Publish Findings Unethical?
ClinicalTrials.gov, a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), houses…