Fast-Forward Scanning
How to increase MRI throughput while reducing costs and improving image quality?…
Creating a Living Laboratory Together [VIDEO]
Salvato Trigo, founder of University Fernando Pessoa in Oporto, Portugal, envisioned a…
IT Helps Smooth Transitions of Care
Care transitions often result in additional work for both the patient and…
When Health IT Is the Patient
In today’s fast-changing medical landscape, doctors, nurses, and staff need to know…
A New Era for the Public Healthcare Sector
Beaches, fishing, and sweet pastries filled with dulce de leche were the…
X-Ray Dosimeter Improves Radiation Dose Management in Real-Time: Or, How a Little Badge Provides Real-Time Radiation Dose Data
At the University Hospital Erlangen, Germany, patient and staff safety are considered…
Customer Service Portal for Medical Equipment Saves Time and Work
If you are wondering how to manage the performance and maintenance of…
Hybrid Cardiac Procedures: Teaming Up for More Efficiency of Cardiac Treatments in Pediatrics
In China, a child with congenital heart disease is born every three…
Healthcare IT Supports Value-Based Purchasing
In the small town of Visalia in California, the Kaweah Delta Medical…
IT to Connect Patients More Closely to Medical Staff
Inspira, a healthcare network from southern New Jersey, USA, sees IT as…