Rich Pulvino

11 Articles

Text-Only vs. Multimedia Enhanced Radiology Reporting (MERR)

Throughout RSNA 2014, we have seen that the world of radiology is…

Rich Pulvino

Teleradiology Providing an Increasing Number of Opportunities to Europe

In January 2014, the European Society of Radiology (ESR) updated its white…

Rich Pulvino

RSNA 2013: What Did We Learn?

There has always been so much information to digest at RSNA that…

Rich Pulvino

RSNA 2013: Medical Imaging Used to Capture Diseases in India

Dr. Harsh Mahajan, director of radiology, Mahajan Imaging, took a few minutes…

Rich Pulvino

RSNA 2013: President’s Address Encourages Radiologists to Embrace Multidiscinplinary Teams

This year’s theme for RSNA is “The Power of Partnerships” and it…

Rich Pulvino

Get the Most Out of RSNA by Using the RSNA 2013 Mobile App

Last year, we wrote a blog post detailing how to get the…

Rich Pulvino

NYMIIS: Medical Imaging and Meaningful Use – It Is No Longer an Option

With the creation of RIS, PACS and speech recognition, radiology once led…

Rich Pulvino

AHRA 2013: IRIS and the Importance of Dose Reduction Initiatives in Medical Imaging

IRIS (Image Right, Image Safe) is a commitment that started at Dartmouth-Hitchcock…

Rich Pulvino

RHIOs, SHIN, and the Possibilities of Connected Healthcare

As a patient, I want my physicians and healthcare providers to give…

Rich Pulvino