Rhona Finkel

52 Articles

Insomnia: Fears and Treatment – Part II

If my hypothesis (see previous post, Part 1) proves correct that fear…

Rhona Finkel

Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in their paper ”Policy Impact: Prescription Painkiller…

Rhona Finkel

Insomnia: Fears and Treatment – Part I

 What are two major miseries of our well-off modern society?  Obesity and…

Rhona Finkel

ECT–The Less Than Shocking Story, Part II

Georgios Petrides, Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at…

Rhona Finkel

ECT–The Less Than Shocking Story, Part I

Why write about ECT today? Isn’t it yesterday’s news? Actually, in the…

Rhona Finkel

Bullying–It’s All In the Mind

“My son is miserable in his first few months of high school,”…

Rhona Finkel

Sharing Bad News With Your Children–This Is Not the Dark Ages

Last week I received the following question: “I’m undergoing tests to determine…

Rhona Finkel

3,520 Parenting Books–and My Kids Still Won’t Listen to Me!

According to the Bowker Books in Print database (courtesy of the WSJ…

Rhona Finkel

Mental Illness More Malignant than Melanoma

If you throw mental illness and addiction into one cesspool, take the…

Rhona Finkel

Better Late Than Never: China Adopts Its First Mental Health Law

This past Friday China passed its very first law designed to protect…

Rhona Finkel