
31 Articles

Protected Health Information Security: You Should Be Worried

It seems like every day, we hear another story in the news…

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Unless You Are The Lead Dog on the Sled, The Scenery Never Changes

We Must Think Differently, Unconventionally, or From a New PerspectiveWriting and curating…

philcsolomon philcsolomon

How Do You Know If You Are Ready for ICD-10?

Will The Transition to ICD-10 Become Your Waterloo or Battle of Normandy?…

philcsolomon philcsolomon

Obamacare “Is a Hacker’s Dream”

John McAfee, founder of anti-virus company McAfee, Inc., on the ObamaCare exchanges: …

philcsolomon philcsolomon

Uninsured Fall Head First Into Gaping Coverage Gap

Analysis Provides State-by-State Estimates of Poor Uninsured Adults Who Fall Into the…

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Medicaid Eligibility Enrollment and Self-Pay Collection Opportunities Projected to Increase

There is an opportunity to expand the current bedside Medicare eligibility enrollment…

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Medicare Payments to Providers Are Carved, Sliced and Chopped by Sequestration

 2% Sequestration Cuts Take a Big Bite Out Of Medicare Reimbursements   2%…

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The Double Edge Sword for Cost Report Reopening

Cost Report Preparation Maximizes Reimbursement When Technology is LeveragedProviders should seek specialty…

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Healthcare Pendulum, Has It Swung Too Far?

   Does your healthcare system have a balanced approach to cost containment…

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Healthcare Leaders Must Batten Down the Hatches in 2013

   Healthcare Leaders Must Make Herculean Efforts to Collect Revenue in Today’s Changing…

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