Olha Zhydik

Olha Zhydik is a Content Marketing Manager at ELEKS, a global custom software development company. Olha has been working in the IT industry for over 10 years, including 6 years in marketing. Thanks to her diverse experience, her writing offers a fresh perspective on how technology can help businesses not only innovatively solve problems but also gain a competitive edge. You can connect with Olha on Linkedin or Facebook.
3 Articles

What To Expect from Social Security Disability Benefits?

While it’s true that no one would want to suffer a disability,…

Olha Zhydik

How to Improve Sex Life – Recommendations for Couples

A dry spell is a normal part of any relationship. However, it…

Olha Zhydik

Mapping the Role of Health Tech in Medical Practice

Technologies have revolutionized many industries, including healthcare. The adoption of health tech…

Olha Zhydik