Michael Kirsch

162 Articles

Is Gastric Bypass the Right Choice?

Bariatric surgery, including gastric bypass surgery, has become a popular remedy for…

Michael Kirsch

A New Kind of Stress Test

Readers of this blog, and those with whom I have shared my…

Michael Kirsch

Measles Vaccine: A Right to Refuse Treatment

It’s been amusing to watch Rand Paul, a doctor, trying to ‘clarify’…

Michael Kirsch

Medicine Is an Art and Science

Medicine is an art, not a science. We’ve all heard that maxim…

Michael Kirsch

What’s the Cause of Chronic Abdominal Pain?

I see patients with abdominal pain every day. Over my career, I’ve…

Michael Kirsch

Should Your Doctor Consider Medical Costs?

This blog is devoted to an examination of medical quality. Cost-effectiveness is…

Michael Kirsch

High Drama in an Ambulatory Surgery Center

A few days before I wrote this, a patient had a complication…

Michael Kirsch

Ebola Hysteria in Ohio

The Ebola hysteria continues. True, we might have a greater chance of…

Michael Kirsch

Governors Mandate Ebola Quarantine

Who says that bipartisanship is dead? Just recently, Governors Cuomo and Christie…

Michael Kirsch

Is Hepatitis C Treatment Cost-Effective?

One catch phrase in health care reform is cost-effectiveness.  To paraphrase, this…

Michael Kirsch