Michael Kirsch

162 Articles

Is Cost-Effective Medicine on Life Support?

The concept of cost-effectiveness in medicine is elastic. One’s view on this…

Michael Kirsch

Will Wireless Capusle Endoscopy Replace Colonoscopy?

Most of born several decades ago, recall the futuristic book Fantastic Voyage…

Michael Kirsch

Pharmacy Benefit Managers vs Physicians: Let the Games Begin!

As a gastroenterologist, I treat hundreds of patients with heartburn. You already…

Michael Kirsch

An iPhone App for Medical Checklists?

Not quite, but my iPhone inadvertently made a strong case for medical…

Michael Kirsch

Why This Lawyer Won’t Sue Me

I spent the entire last weekend with an attorney, not a desirable…

Michael Kirsch

Do Overworked Medical Interns Cause Medical Errors? Let’s Sleep on It.

As of this writing, 5 air traffic controllers have been found asleep…

Michael Kirsch

Emergency Room: Revolving Door or Backstop?

I received a call recently from an emergency room (ER) physician about…

Michael Kirsch

Privatizing Social Security and Medicare: Who Can Defuse Political Dynamite?

In response to my prior post where I averred that cigarette companies…

Michael Kirsch

The Future of Medicine: Do Pre-med Students Have a Clue?

At this writing, I am in Atlanta visiting our daughter at Emory…

Michael Kirsch

Medical Myths Exposed: Do We Want Truth or Zeus?

We have had many family conversations about education reform over the We…

Michael Kirsch