Michael Kirsch

162 Articles

Does Revised American College of Physicians Ethics Manual Need Revision?

I regard myself as a spirited patient advocate. (What doctor doesn’t?) When…

Michael Kirsch

Cigarette Warning Labels May Go Up in Smoke

We live in a free society. One of our most treasured freedoms…

Michael Kirsch

Colt McCoy’s Concussion Fumbled by Team Physicians

The Cleveland Browns have been in the news this week, and not…

Michael Kirsch

Colonic Hydrotherapy and Colon Cleansing

A few times each month, a patient asks me for my opinion…

Michael Kirsch

Pay-for-Performance Attacks Hospitals – Shake Down or Fair Play

This blog has tried to support the virtue of personal responsibility. If…

Michael Kirsch

Fecal DNA for Colon Cancer Screening and Cleaner Sidewalks: Which Matters More?

It’s Saturday morning, and I’m in an undisclosed location drinking a fabulous…

Michael Kirsch

Lawyers and Medical Malpractice Reform: Tort Reform Allies for Doctors?

When lawyers talk, I listen. Two attorneys penned a piece on medical…

Michael Kirsch

In the Firing of Joe Paterno or in Medical Malpractice – Hindsite is 20/20

As a gastroenterologist, I know a few things about scoping. As a…

Michael Kirsch

Medical Malpractice Reform Losing Physician Support

With regard to physicians’ support for medical malpractice reform, the times they…

Michael Kirsch