
47 Articles

Using Information Therapy to Put Patients First

All of us will be patients some day. What can we do…

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E-patients – Engaged, Empowered, and Enabled : One Patient’s Story

It’s fitting that in a book which talks about how we can…

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PATIENT RESPONSE: Giving Voice to the Patient

Dr Jones runs a thriving cardiology practice. Apart from being a very…

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Information Therapy for Non-Communicable Diseases

The Times of India reported that India is planning to roll out…

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Handling Death – Use of the GRIEV_ING Mnemonic

It can be hard for doctors to give bad news , especially…

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When Patients Complain

It’s no fun when patients are unhappy and have complaints. No one…

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How I Prescribe Information Therapy in My Practice

My patients, Mr and Mrs Gupta, are sitting in the waiting lounge…

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