Kevin Campbell

48 Articles

Welcome to the Affordable Care Act Call Center, Please Press One for Healthcare, Two for….

Although tax season has come and gone again in the US, many…

Kevin Campbell

The Power of Social Media in Medicine: Using Facebook to Save Lives

Recently, there has been a great deal in the press surrounding organ…

Kevin Campbell

TDWI’s Kevin Campbell Discusses Aspirin and Tylenol

Our own Dr. Our own Dr. Kevin Campbell made an appearance on WNCN’s…

Kevin Campbell

Twitter Moves Markets: Can It Impact Disease?

For those who are engaged in social media, nothing is more powerful…

Kevin Campbell

Embracing Technology and Providing Care: The Role of Email and Texting in the Patient Encounter

As we become more connected as a society, it is inevitable that…

Kevin Campbell

Salesmen in the Operating Room: Whose Best Interest Is at Stake?

Industry and medicine are permanently linked together–like it or not.  Attempts to…

Kevin Campbell

The High Healthcare Costs of Emergency Department Visits: Stop Pointing Fingers and Begin Offering Solutions

Nothing exemplifies more the complete lack of understanding of the issues surrounding…

Kevin Campbell

Improving Patient Outcomes Through Prevention: Fitness and the Physician

As physicians, we are all held to a high standard.  It is…

Kevin Campbell

MBAs for Practicing Physicians: Learning to Lead in the New Millennium

Healthcare is changing and physicians and hospital systems must quickly adapt in…

Kevin Campbell