Jonathan Catley

219 Articles

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing Your Medical Practice Online

Internet marketing can help your medical practice grow, help to sell your…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

Keeping Your Content Marketing HIPAA-Compliant

Medical content marketing can sometimes require walking a fine line. You want…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

Making the Hospital Part of the Community

It is called community building, but why is it an important part…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

A Doctor’s Reputation Means Everything: How to Protect Yours

What do your patients say about you? For a medical practice, a…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

How Google’s Close Variant Changes Can Affect Your Medical PPC Campaigns

News of an upcoming change in Google’s Adwords platform has the potential…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

How to Build Realistic Patient Expectations with Hospital Marketing

One of the biggest challenges for hospital marketers is balancing patient expectations…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

Marketing Your Medical Practice by Creating a Video Library

Video marketing has gained in popularity in the medical profession over the…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

How to Focus Your Medical Device Marketing Strategies?

If you are having problems getting leads for your medical device, is…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

3 Ways Physicians Can Increase Their Social Media Following

Social media is like a garden: It needs constant tending to grow…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

How to Help Patients Find Your Medical Practice Easily Online

Increasingly, consumers are turning towards the Internet for health care information. According to…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley