John Henning

John Henning is a nutritionist, freelance writer, and food blogger that provides accessible nutrition info to help people live a healthier life. His unique approach to nutrition emphasizes nutrient-dense, whole foods and healthy habits rather than restrictive diets.
222 Articles

What Are HPV And What Are The Risks

HPV, or human papillomavirus, is the most common of all sexually transmitted…

John Henning

What to Do About Chronic Back Pain

Has back pain become a daily experience? If so, you’re not alone.…

John Henning

These Are Some of the Technologies Behind Your Good Health

Here’s a mind bender: You are shockingly healthy even when you’re sick.…

John Henning

DIY Home Improvement Projects Can Help You Stay in Shape

DIY home improvement projects can be a great way to stay in…

John Henning

7 Ways To Manage Anxiety When You Live Alone

What do you do when you’re facing a panic attack and you're…

John Henning

6 Critical Healthcare Marketing Tactics to Win Over New Patients

Finding clients for a medical practice is not easy. It is even…

John Henning

Dental Trends To Keep Your Smile In Perfect Health

We all know just how much the state of our oral health…

John Henning

Birth Injury Bone Fractures: Common Infant Injuries And Treating Them

The last things that parents would want their children to experience are…

John Henning

Homegrown Plants That Are Proven to Benefit Your Health!

When most of us shop for houseplants, we look for ones that…

John Henning

7 Helpful And Important Tips For Improving Patient Experience

Healthcare is first and foremost a customer service industry. No matter how skilled…

John Henning