Long Waits Cost Canadians Millions
More than 825,000 Canadians were waiting for some type of treatment after…
Life Expectancy Inequality
This is from a Bloomberg column by Peter Orszag: This is from…
Why Not Let the Dead Pay for Medicare?
Kevin Drum at Mother Jones has a novel (if not original) idea.…
Great Moments in the History of Patient Power
If there was a moment when the modern-day relationship between physicians and…
How Medicare Spends Its Drug Dollars
Drug Class 2008 Drug Cost ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMICS $6,165,831,884 ANTIPSYCHOTICS/ANTIMANIC $5,698,011,103
Making Cigarette Smoking Uncool
Pause to consider the logic here. We decide it is not a…
Is Medicare A Good Deal?
Think about everything you will pay to support Medicare: the payroll taxes…
In-Home Care Goes High Tech
The lab includes a “model home” to test new gadgets. One is…
Government as Doctor
U.S. government doctors once thought it was fine to experiment on disabled…
Global Warming: Good for Your Health?
Six centuries after the Black Death ravaged Europe, the gruesomeness of the…