A Drug That Can Cure The Common Cold?
…in a development that could transform how viral infections are treated, a…
Krugman, Ezra: Wrong About Texas Health Care
Texas has the highest percent of its population uninsured of any state…
Why Profit Is Our Best Friend
One reason why entrepreneurs do what they do is that they want…
Myth Busters #5: Hospital Rate Setting
With the repeal of the Health Planning Act in 1982, a lot…
How Much do Financial Incentives Matter to Physicians?
In this experiment, medical students were paid under fee-for-service and capitated payment…
Giving Interns More Sleep is Not Making Hospitals Safer
The Latest: Last month something extraordinary happened at teaching hospitals around the…
Pushback On My Medicare Proposals
In response to my Wall Street Journal editorial, David Williams claims that…
Canadians Also Wait for Drugs
A recent study by the Fraser Institute found that Canadian federal and…
What Small Business Thinks About Health Reform
Add one more splash of bad news to the cascade that has…