
468 Articles

Who Owns Frozen Embryos?

In 2004, a Chester County, Pa., woman and her husband had some…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Is Salt a Public Health Danger?

   Last year, the government’s Institute of Medicine urged the Food and…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Whatever Happened to the Small Business Tax Credit?

Yet another provision of ObamaCare has been found unworkable. We’ve already looked…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Hospitals with the Poorest Patients Have the Highest Readmission Rates

The analysis showed that 11.7 percent of the Most Poor Patients hospitals…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Aaron Carroll Endorses Concierge Medicine – Sort Of.

Moreover, I’ve been thinking about my parents. They live thousands of miles…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

A Doctor Pans Electronic Health Record Incentives

Does anyone care that this “stimulus” money is subject to the grossest…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Disease Registries Help Doctors Share Information

Disease registries enable doctors and hospitals to learn about and share the…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

What to do About HealthCare Spending: Eat-Your-Spinach Budget Reforms

Democrats seem to have more “street smarts” than Republicans when it comes…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Consumers More Choosy About Cars and Appliances than Health Care

This is from the Altarum Institute Center for Consumer Choice in Health…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

New Regulation Threatens Agents, HSA Plans

HHS recently issued its final standards on how to rebate money from…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman