Is Fee-For-Service the Problem?
Almost everyone involved in health care will tell you that the greatest…
Big Brother in Your Medicine Cabinet
Should individuals be required to give up their privacy and submit to…
Employers Get Tough
The Georgetown authors cite one wellness program that wields a stick. It…
What Colonoscopies Cost (and Why)
Recent data from a large New York health insurer show that 85…
Knee Replacement May Save Lives
The US has more knee replacements per capita than any other nation.…
Treating the Healthy
Screening the apparently healthy potentially saves a few lives (although the National…
PepsiCo Tries Medical Tourism
Employees of PepsiCo, the world’s second-largest food and beverage business, now have…
An Online Market for Medical Care
Can you buy health care the way you buy goods and services…
Google Can Predict Flu Epidemics
Four years ago, Google launched Google Flu Trends, which estimates the prevalence…