John Nosta

27 Articles

FAT FREE = DANGER! (How I hate fat-free half & half)

OK,  so I'm exaggerating a little--but only a little.  I'm really concerned…

John Nosta

Our Infinite Capacity for Thought

Those of you who have taken the time to read some prior…

John Nosta

Brain Fat: The Other Global Epidemic

How healthy are you?The next time you go to the doctor, I…

John Nosta

Why Do Gut Feelings Drive Decisions?

Words, headline, bullets, script,  dialogue, text, key words.Sound familiar?These are the fundamental elements of…

John Nosta

Technology, Healthcare and the Frankenstein Syndrome

Technology in life takes holdDoes Moore's Law apply to advances in the…

John Nosta

Smart is the New Rich!

The world is changing.Fast. The world is changing.Fast.The equity that will matter…

John Nosta

Sweet!! The Secret Branding of Sugar Substitutes

Sugar. An essential nutrient?  A cause of obesity and disease?  A toxin?…

John Nosta