joan justice

209 Articles

10 Great Social Media Channels to Use in HealthCare

(Editor's Note: To join HealthWorks Collective on these channels, please click the…

joan justice

Mobile Health Around the Globe: Smartphone Microscope for Nano Particle Detection

Scientists at UCLA and at the California NanoSystems Institute have developed a…

joan justice

GenePeeks Tests and Screens Virtual Progeny

GenePeeks, a New York Start-Up, has partnered with a sperm bank in…

joan justice

End Water Poverty

Over a million people across the globe call for decision makers to…

joan justice

Helping Patients Pay Their Hospital Bills [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

It is no fun to be in the hospital.  And it's certainly…

joan justice

Revolution in Lab Testing: Theranos

There is a revolution in lab testing!  Theranos makes it so easy!…

joan justice

Shopping for Health Insurance

I have health insurance.  The premium is pretty low but I have…

joan justice

Mobile Health Around the Globe: Acquapura Tests Drinking Water Purity

How clean is the water you drink?  Drinking water purity is a…

joan justice