joan justice

209 Articles

Person-Centered HealthCare; Short Review of Self-Monitoring System

I am very much intrigued with the QS movement and self-monitoring for…

joan justice

Mobile Health Around the Globe: IRC Uses Mobile to Track Mortality in Africa

The International Rescue Committee conducted two mortality surveillance projects using community health…

joan justice

Person-Centered HealthCare; BeClose Home Monitoring System Helps Keep Track of the Elderly

BeClose is a home monitoring system that lets you check in on…

joan justice

High Quality, Low Cost HealthCare Video Interview Series: e-Patient Dave deBronkart

           Dave deBronkart is a cancer survivor, internationally known keynote speaker and…

joan justice

High Quality, Low Cost HealthCare Video Interview Series: Robert Herzog and eCaring

Last week we heard Martha Bebinger talk about using her website HealthCareSavvy…

joan justice

Mobile Health Around the Globe: Verizon Launches Philanthropic Mobile HealthCare Programs

        Photo: Verizon         Photo: VerizonAt the recent mHealth Summit conference, Verizon announced the…

joan justice

mHealthSummit Day 2 – Innovations and Devices

       Day 2 at the Summit. Fascinating, exciting and innovative companies exhibiting here…

joan justice

mHealthSummit 2012, #MHS12: Ready, Set, Go!

               I am here at the mHealth Summit conference in Washington DC…

joan justice

High Quality, Low Cost HealthCare Video Interview Series: Martha Bebinger and HealthCareSavvy

       Last week we listened to James Spearman talk about Medical Tourism…

joan justice