Dov Michaeli

52 Articles

Emperor Cholesterol Has No Clothes!

Here is a story of public policy gone awry when it strays…

Dov Michaeli


     Recently my wife and I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. We…

Dov Michaeli

Who is Susceptible to the Placebo Effect?

If I had to guess who is likely to benefit from the…

Dov Michaeli

The Power and Danger of Wishful Thinking

There once was a goldsmith in Cyprus called Pygmalion who liked to…

Dov Michaeli

Does Acupuncture work?

  I once madethe mistake of expressing doubts about acupuncture to a…

Dov Michaeli

Dumb and Dumber: Marijuana and its Harm to IQ.

 Medicinal? depends on who is using.   Medicinal? depends on who is using. John…

Dov Michaeli

You be the Judge

  The full weight of Justice, as we see it.   The full weight…

Dov Michaeli

Father’s Age and Child’s Psychiatric Disease –What’s the Connection?

  Good old Dad and baby Source: Flikcr Creative Commons   Good old Dad…

Dov Michaeli

Running: a Fringe Benefit of a Bad Economy?

  Running: the best psychotherapy   Running: the best psychotherapyTimes are tough. We seem…

Dov Michaeli

Ancient Indian Food

  Egyptian kitchen, 3800 years ago.   Egyptian kitchen, 3800 years ago.For years anthropologists…

Dov Michaeli