
44 Articles

Video Interview of Jurrian van Rijswijk on #GamesforHealth @ Doctors 2.0 & You 2015 #doctors20

Gamification or using gaming techniques to incentivize and encourage participation cuts across…


Mette Dyhrberg talks about application of patient-generated data and self-tracking at Doctors 2.0 & You 2015 #doctors20

Meet Mette Dyhrberg who is at once an entrepreneur, an economist, the…


Thierry Oquidam from e-Nable explained at Doctors 2.0 & You, how 3D prosthetics turn children into “superheros” #doctors20

e-Nable, the American association for the 3D printing of assistive devices or…


Doctors 2.0 & You #ePatient speakers on Twitter #doctors20

There are many lists of “whom to follow on Twitter” in digital…


Doctors 2.0 and You: Conference, Community, and Medical Association #doctors20

This post is a guest post by Andrea Borondy Kitts. This post is…


Interview With Giovanna Marsico, on Patients and Digital Tools #doctors20

Giovanna Marsico, founder of CancerContribution  has been one of the early supporters…


Doctors 2.0 Storify at World Health Innovation Day

Enjoy this storify relating the sessions at the first World Innovation Day…


Doctors 2.0 & You Interview of Dr. Rafael Grossmann [VIDEO]

Here's yet another fascinating video interview by Michael Weiss, recorded during Doctors…


Doctors 2.0 & You – iHealth Walking Challenge [INFOGRAPHIC]

A huge thank you from Doctors 2.0 & You to the entire…


Interview by ePatient Michael Weiss of ePatient Vanessa Carter [VIDEO]

Doctors 2.0 & You is more than pleased to promote the work…
