David Harlow

DAVID HARLOW is Principal of The Harlow Group LLC, a health care law and consulting firm based in the Hub of the Universe, Boston, MA. His thirty years’ experience in the public and private sectors affords him a unique perspective on legal, policy and business issues facing the health care community. David is adept at assisting clients in developing new paradigms for their business organizations, relationships and processes so as to maximize the realization of organizational goals in a highly regulated environment, in realms ranging from health data privacy and security to digital health strategy to physician-hospital relationships to the avoidance of fraud and abuse. He's been called "an expert on HIPAA and other health-related law issues [who] knows more than virtually anyone on those topics.” (Forbes.com.) His award-winning blog, HealthBlawg, is highly regarded in both the legal and health policy blogging worlds. David is a charter member of the external Advisory Board of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network and has served as the Public Policy Chair of the Society for Participatory Medicine, on the Health Law Section Council of the Massachusetts Bar Association and on the Advisory Board of FierceHealthIT. He speaks regularly before health care and legal industry groups on business, policy and legal matters. You should follow him on Twitter.
80 Articles

Patients Believe Partnership With Clinicians Will Improve Health

The Society for Participatory Medicine released a report of a national

David Harlow

Individuals’ Rights to Their Health Information: The Federales Awaken

HHS is taking a cue from Horton (via Dr. Seuss): “I meant…

David Harlow

Medicaid Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act: The “Before” Picture

Financial Burden of Medical Spending by State and the Implications of the…

David Harlow

Electronic Exchange of Lab Results

The final question posed in the recent request for information posted by ONC…

David Harlow

ONC Releases RFI on Catalyzing Interoperability of EHRs at HIMSS13

Farzad Mostashari, National Coordinator for Health IT, announced the release of an…

David Harlow

Interoperability Unbound: CommonWell Health Alliance Unveiled at HIMSS

Today, six EHR companies announced their formation of the CommonWell Health Alliance to…

David Harlow

Study Finds Nursing Homes Have Inadequate Care and Discharge Planning

As part of the US Department of Health and Human Services Office…

David Harlow

HealthCare Social Media Legal Issues: Recent NLRB Cases

In the latest chapter of some inside-the-Beltway wrangling over the validity of…

David Harlow

HIPAA Omnibus Rule – Google+ Hangout

For a first look at the HIPAA omnibus rule, I had a…

David Harlow

HIPAA Final Rule on Privacy, Security, Breach Notification and Enforcement Issued, Finally

The HIPAA omnibus regulation is finally out as a final reg. The HIPAA…

David Harlow