Should Parents be Allowed to Give Teachers Gifts?
Today’s Boston Globe (Gift limits for teachers irk givers, recipients; Many reject…
Public Sector Health Benefits: Civil War II?
As a kid learning about the US Civil War I remember being…
Bye, bye Brokers?
In general I oppose the minimum Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) provision of…
Ronald Hansen on the NIH’s Planned Drug Development Center (transcript)
This is the transcript of my recent podcast interview with Ron Hansen…
How PPACA fixes some of the problems of Part D
One of the most infuriating and hypocritical elements of the GOP’s attack…
Concentra’s Dr. Tom Fogarty on urgent care (transcript)
This is the transcript of my recent podcast interview with Concentra Chief…
More Evidence that Medical Malpractice Reform Wouldn’t Stop Excessive Testing
As discussed recently (Let’s not forget patient safety in med mal reform)…
Can Media handle the Healthcare news?
I enjoy reading Drew Altman’s Pulling It Together column, an easy that…