
518 Articles

Defending Tiered Health Plans

Tiered health plans cutting costs, restricting options in today’s Boston Globe raises…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Joint Commission Says Texting Orders is a No-No, But Maybe Docs Are On To Something

The Joint Commission has issued a statement indicating that health care professionals…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Yanking Avastin’s Breast Cancer Indication –the Right Thing To Do

As expected the FDA today removed Avastin’s approval for use as a…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Massachusetts: Land of Affordable Health Insurance

The Commonwealth Fund just released a sobering analysis (State Trends in Premiums…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Bigger Carrots and Painful Sticks to Improve Medication Adherence

As you’ve probably read by now in the New England Journal of…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Time for Higher Income Seniors to Pay More for Medicare

I’m pleased to learn that the super committee is seriously contemplating having…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Maybe Walmart Should Open a Hospital Instead

GOOD IDEA! - Kaiser Health News and NPR found a request for…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Why You Won’t See a Bold Medicare Plan From Mitt Romney

Kaiser Health News tries hard to understand Mitt Romney’s Medicare plans and…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: A Surgeon Makes the Case (podcast)

Open surgery is still the most common way to perform a hysterectomy,…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Off-Label Drug Promotion and the First Amendment

Doctors can and often do prescribe medications for different purposes than what…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams